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Benefit from the early bird rate !


PPC Insulators Austria GmbH


Within the framework of preferential subjects,
CIGRE encourages the submission of papers representing all aspects of the electric power system including, but not limited to :
Generation, Transmission, Distribution, Storage and End Use
After acceptance, your paper is included in Special Reports posted on CIGRE website with a set of questions
 During the Session in Paris (August 2018), 
You attend Group discussion Meetings to discuss with International Experts around those questions given in the Reports
You present your paper during Poster Sessions 
​We invite you to download the Session papers General Process     
The main author or co-author must register as Delegate at CIGRE Session to attend the Group Discussion Meetings and present papers during the Poster Sessions.
Registrations should be made online before the Session, from mid-January to mid-August 2018 at the latest. No registrations on site in Paris.
Authors should refrain from any commercial advertising

EXHIBITORS, LIMITED SPACE > only 10 stands available

January 2018  >only 10 stands available !


> You can register last minute

 Click here now
Improvements : We are careful to improve the flow inside the exhibition relocating coffee break & posters areas.

click here to download the marketing document


Jilin Jinguan Electric Co., Ltd.


Brugg Kabel AG

Ametek Power Instruments

  • Permalink Gallery

    Conferences & meetings: more abstracts propositions than ever…

Conferences & meetings: more abstracts propositions than ever…

Increased number of papers > collection of 640 abstracts proposed by the National Committees, of which 550 have been selected by the Study Committee Chairs (+ 235 papers compared to last Session).



Mr Claudio Facchin,
President Power Grids Division at ABB Ltd
shared a

major technology suppliers’s point of view
on the changes affecting electrical power systems all over the world.


Click here to read the speech





Opening panel on the global perspective of distributed
generation impact on the bulk connected network

The audience was invited to participate in the musical interludes between the technical presentations.








A Forum dedicated
to CIGRE women in engineering
CIGRE Paris 2016 hosted the inaugural CIGRE Women in Engineering Forum. The 3 hour event was a great opportunity for women already active with CIGRE, and those engaged more widely within Power Engineering, to meet with each other and with representatives of CIGRE’s governing bodies and share views on the importance of greater gender diversity and how this can be achieved. An audience of women and men heard presentations from a variety of inspirational woman from around the world who already engaged in power engineering leading to a lively debate over practical actions that can be taken within CIGRE to move this topic forward. In particular the role of the CIGRE National Committees in promoting women onto CIGRE work bodies and governance assemblies was identified as a key focus area.
The number of attendees has reached 8 500
Breaking record of 3 290 delegates

New: organisation of Tutorials
New: online solution to support the spontaneous contributions during Technical Councils.

The smartphones and tablets application developed for Cigre Session allows to follow the progress of the parallel discussions in the different Group Discussion Meeting rooms, It enables the attendees to make spontaneous contributions […]

CIGRE is getting closer to your markets

Our team is attending the following trade shows :


SHEMAR GROUP, sponsor of the OPENING CEREMONY COCKTAIL on Sunday 25 August.

HITACHI Energy, sponsor of the WiE FORUM on Thursday 29 August
GE VERNOVA, sponsor of the NGN Events on Wednesday 28 August, sponsor of the Job Center, sponsor of the mobile app


APUA-ASEAAPC MEDIACIREDElectric Energy T&D MagazineETIP SNETIEEE Power & Energy SocietyINMRSEET&D World MagazineThink SmartgridsTransformers Magazine

Updated on August 2024, subject to changes.